Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests - Index Index  Research  Publications

Statutory Tasks


In addition to its scientific work, the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests carries out also other activities; for instance, it issues expert opinions. Such activities can be requested by the public; in some cases expenses are reimbursed. For the legal foundations of these activities please see below:
  • Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests
  • Silviculture
  • Forest Genetics
  • Forest Protection
  • Air-Pollution Research
  • Avalanche and Torrent Research

Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests

According to the Austrian Forest Act of 1975 the Federal Forest Research Centre is obligated to provide consultation and to issue expert opinions about the status and development of forests.

Under the terms of § 136, para. 1, of the Austrian Forest Act of 1975, the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests shall „serve forest-related matters in general and forestry in particular by carrying out scientific investigations and experiments and by communicating the applicability of their research results to the forest practice“ (E. Wohanka, K. Stürzenbecher. Editors, Vienna 1989, p. 154)

  • § 136, para.2: The tasks of the Federal Forest Research Centre as provided in para. 1 include in particular
  • a. all sorts of investigations and surveys regarding the status and development of Austrian forests;
  • b. the determination of the causes of forest damage (e.g. game, air pollution, etc.), if necessary in cooperation with other interested agencies, and the investigation of items regarding forest land use planning and torrent and avalanche control;
  • c. the checkup of equipment, tools and machinery as well as of chemical and other means designed for forest use; the examination of forest reproductive material, operating techniques, and methods of application for their appropriateness in forestry as well as the issuing of the relevant certificates;
  • d. the issuing of expert opinions as provided in para.1.

Further tasks are assigned to the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests and/or its Institutes in other laws and legal provisions.

Institute of Silviculture

The Federal Law on Forest Reproductive Material (Forstliches Vermehrungsgutgesetz, hereinafter referred to as „FVG“), Austrian Federal Law Gazette no 419 of 20 August 1996, and the Regulation on Forest Reproductive Material (Verordnung zum Forstlichen Vermehrungsgut, hereinafter referred to as „VO“), Austrian Federal Law Gazette no 512 of 26 September 1996, in the following points refer to the work of the Institute of Silviculture:

Selected forest reproductive material (seed and plant materials):

§ 4: Only registered basic material may be used to produce „selected reproductive material“. Basic material may be registered only given that its high quality guarantees that it is suited for reproduction and that economically unfavourable hereditary factors are improbable.

§ 8(2): Decisions regarding registration shall be made by notice of the Head of the competent Provincial Government. After a local inspection has been undertaken, the Federal Forest Research Centre shall procure an expert opinion.

In the course of the above-mentioned inspection it shall be checked whether stands satisfy the requirements according to the following aspects (VO § 4(1), Annex IV):

Assessment of autochthonous state, site quality, homogeneity, adaptedness, mass yield, timber quality, form, health and resistance, stem number, age.

Stands which satisfy the requirements of superior adaptive potential of the reproduced material (size, stocking, location and density of potential seed trees) can be registered with the supplementary indication of „superior genetic diversity“ (§ 4 (2)).

In the case of seed plantations it is checked whether,

according to §2 fig.6, they have been established in such a way that cross-pollination is avoided or limited, and whether,

according to VO § 4(1), Annex IV, it is sufficiently ensured that the produced seed material will re-produce at least the average genetic quality of the basic material which was used to establish the seed plantation.

In the course of the inspection also

provenance (§ 2 fig.14) and

altitudinal level (§ 2 fig.15), which is determined in the field according to climatological/ plant-sociological aspects,

shall be determined. The latter indications are required for the registration sign.

Lists of registered basic material, „National Register“ (§ 10)

The National Register contains a list of all stands and seed plantations of which basic material for the production of „selected reproductive material“ is registered.

The Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry shall regularly update the Commision of the European Community about these lists and about any changes therein.

During office hours, everybody shall be permitted to examine these lists, to copy them in situ, or to have an extract of the lists made at his/her cost.

Harvesting in registered stands and seed plantations

§ 12(1) fig.6: The harvester shall send a sample from each and every registration unit to the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests. Size and quality of these samples are regulated in VO §11.

Expert opinion regarding the mixing of seed material (§ 11(3))

At the request of the person having power of disposal, the Head of the Provincial Government shall authorize the mixing of seed materials

  1. from different registration units of the same provenance and the same altitudinal level or
  2. from different harvests of one and the same registration unit

provided that these seed materials can be considered equal with respect to their genetic and physiological features. The applicant shall provide an expert opinion of the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests regarding the equality of the seed materials.

Expert opinion on the admission of seed material (§ 13)

After having prepared the seed material, the person having power of disposal shall send an seed material sample of average quality from each registration unit to the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests. The minimum size of these samples is laid down in VO §13.

The Institute of Silviculture of the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests

shall determine

  • characteristics of outer appearance
  • maximum percentage of fruits and seeds from other forest tree species, „specific seed purity“ (§ 3(5), VO § 3(1), Appendix I). Seed material must satisfy the demands for specific seed purity described in these regulations, i.e.
  • seed purity
  • germability
  • 1000 corn weight
  • number of living germs per kilogram of seed material

shall check

  • features which, according to § 13(3), are necessary for the admission and marking on the accompanying documents:
  • descent from the registered basic material (comparison of the seed material sample with the harvesting sample), in case of doubt, identity check by the Institute of Forest Genetics;
  • compliance with the obligations regarding separate storage and marking; in case of doubt, identity check by the Institute of Forest Genetics;
  • observation of the harvesting rules (§ 12); in case of doubt, identity check by the Institute of Forest Genetics;
  • if applicable, check that the requirements for the additional indication „Superior genetic diversity“ (§ 12(2)) are met.

Inspection of industrial forests and forest nurseries (§ 18)

The authorities shall approach the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests for the purposes of supervision and expert opinions.

Expert opinions on the authorization of imports from third-party countries (§ 19)

According to § 19(3) an expert opinion issued by the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests shall ensure the suitability of the material. The purpose of such expert opiniona is to examine whether the reproductive material for which an import license has been requested is suited for plantation in the national territory or in particular parts of the latter and to ensure that this reproductive material will not negatively influence forestry in the national territory. In the first place it has to be assessed whether, or to which extent, the relevant material might involve a plantation risk with respect to resistance and stress tolerance. The decision will be based on the growing conditions in the area of origin and on earlier experiences with plantation of the material.

Inspection of incoming seed material (§ 23)

The competent customs office shall take a sample of the seed material and send it to the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests for examination. The minimum weight of such samples is regulated in VO §15.

Seed material may be brought into circulation only given that the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests has not objected against doing so within three working days following receipt of the sample. The Federal Forest Research Centre shall establish the identity of the sample with the data given in the accompanying documents and in the import license, in particular with respect to outward appearance.

Issuance of certificates for export to third-party countries (§ 26)

If the accompanying documents are not sufficient for being granted the import license for a particular country, the exporter may request the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests to issue a certificate for this purpose. The Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests is authorized to issue OECD certificates according to the „OECD Control Standard for Forest Reproductive Material in International Trade“.

Transfer of reproductive material to other member states (VO § 9)

Reproductive material under § 1(1) of the Forest Reproductive Material Act (tree species subject to guidelines of the European Union) may be introduced into other member states only if accompanied by a certificate issued by the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests.

For reproductive material under § 1(2) of the Forest Reproductive Material Act (tree species not covered by the guidelines of the European Union), a certificate of origin shall be issued only if required under the legal provisions of the country of destination.

The certificate of origin shall be issued according to a set pattern (Attachment VII) and shall contain details describing the genus, category, area of origin, autochthonous state, year of harvest (seed material), period of propagation (forest plants), amount and designation of the reproductive material.

Expert opinion for the introduction of „reproductive material with reduced standards“ from other member states (VO § 7)

Reproductive material which does not conform the categories of „selected reproductive material“ or „certified reproductive material“ may be introduced into the national territory only subject to the authorization by the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (§ 7 (1)).

§ 7(2) fig. 2 provides that an authorization may be granted only if the reproductive material is fit for plantation in the national territory, or in particular parts of the latter, and will not negatively influence forestry in the national territory. The Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests shall issue an expert opinion (§ 7(4)) which ensures that the reproductive material is suited for plantation. The inspection shall follow the same guidelines as in the case of import licenses from non-member states.

Institute of Forest Genetics

Under the provisions of the Austrian Federal Law on Forest Reproductive Material (Forstliches Vermehrungsgutgesetz, hereinafter referred to as „FVG“), Austrian Federal Law Gazette no 419 of 20 August 1996, and the Regulation on Forest Reproductive Material (Verordnung zum Forstlichen Vermehrungsgutgesetz, hereinafter referred to as „VO“), Austrian Federal Law Gazette no 512 of 26 September 1996, the Institute of Forest Genetics shall be responsible for the following activities:

Lists of the basic material destined for the production of „registered reproductive material“ – „National Register“ (§ 10)

(1) The Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests shall establish and maintain lists of the certified basic material for the individual species. These lists shall distinguish between basic material which is destined for the production of "„selected reproductive material"“and basic material which is meant for the production of „registered reproductive material“.

(2) The Head of the competent Provincial Government shall provide the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests with a copy of the official registration notice. The Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture Forestry Environment and Water Management shall regularly inform the Commission of the European Community about these lists and about any changes therein.

Expert opinions on the recognition of seed material (result of investigation) (§ 13)

(1) After having prepared the seed material, the person having power of disposal shall send one average-quality seed material sample from each registration unit to the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests.

(2) The person having power of disposal shall apply with the Head of the competent Provincial Government for recognition of the decision regarding the registration of the relevant seed material. Such application shall contain ... an expert opinion issued by the Federal Forest Research Centre about the characteristics of outward appearance (§ 3 para. 5) of the seed material sample as well as all other details that are required for the designation of the material.

(3) The Head of the competent Provincial Government shall recognize the decision regarding the grant of a registration of seed material by written notice provided that (1) the seed material has been produced from certified basic material and ... (3) was harvested in accordance with the provisions of § 12.

The Institute of Forest Genetics shall spot-check that the provisions regarding the minimum numbers of trees to be harvested, and of clones in the case of seed plantations, which are laid down in § 12 (1) fig. 5, are observed. For this check, the Institute of Forest Genetics shall use the samples which have to be sent to the Institute for each individual tree after harvesting (§ 12 (1) fig. 6 and VO § 11). From time to time these samples will be compared with their basic material (seed trees) in order to guarantee the correct indication of the certified harvest stand (§ 13 (3) fig. 1). In case of doubt, thise sample will also be used for the identity check of the sample which, according to § 13 (1), has to be sent to the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests following preparation of the seed material.

All of the above-mentioned investigations are carried out using biochemical methods.

Cooperation and verification in the comparative check required for the admission of basic material as „certified reproductive material“

Regulation on Forest Reproductive Material (Verordnung zum Forstlichen Vermehrungsgut, VO), Austrian Federal Law Gazette no. 512 of 26 September 1996, Appendix VI:

(1) In cooperation with the Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests the comparative check for the admission of basic material shall be planned, introduced, carried out, and the results shall be evaluated, in such a way that an objective comparison of the examined reproductive materials among themselves and with one or several pre-selected standards is possible.

Institute of Forest Protection

Please find below the passages in the law which refer to the activities to be undertaken by the Institute of Forest Protection:

Austrian Plant Protection Service for Trees and Wood

Plant Protection Law of 1995 § 3 (1)

Official authorities as provided in the above-mentioned Federal Law Gazette include:

(1) at the national level: the Federal Minister of Agriculture Forestry Environment and Water Management („central authority“) and the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests, the Federal Office and Research Centre for Agriculture, and the Federal Office for Agrobiology;

(2) at the regional level: the Head of the Provincial Government, who may authorize the subordinate authorities to implement proceedings. The latter include the issuance of regulations, if this is useful, efficient, practicable, and cost saving;

(3) legal entities, given that the official authorities under fig.1 and fig.2 transferred tasks to them under this Federal Law Gazette, and that these entities and their members do not have a personal interest in the measures to be taken by them.

Plant Protection Law of 1995, § 3 (2)

Together, these authorities constitute the official Plant Protection Service.

Official Examination of Plant Protection Products

This task includes the examination and survey of forest-relevant plant protection products. The role of the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests is laid down in the Forest Act and in the Plant Protection Law of 1990.

Austrian Forest Act of 1975 §136 (2)

The tasks of the Institute under para. 1 include

c) to check equipment, tools, machinery as well as chemical and other products which are designed for use in forestry...

Austrian Federal Law on Plant Protection Products (Österreichisches Pflanzenschutzgesetz, hereinafter referred to as „PGM“) of 1990, Procedural Rules § 9 (1)

The Federal Minister of Agriculture Forestry Environment and Water Management shall request an expert opinion about the eligibility for admission under the provisions of § 8 para. 1 fig. 1, fig. 2 lit.c and fig. 3 from the Federal Institute of Plant Protection or, subject to the respective fields of competence, from the Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests; about the elibility for admission according to the terms of § 8 para. 1 fig. 2 lit. a an expert opinion of the Office of the Federal Chancellor, and about the eligibility for admission under § 8 para. 1 fig. 2 lit. b an expert opinion of the Federal Ministry for Environment, Youth and Family Affairs.

Diagnosis of Samples with respect to the Causes of Damage and Current Forest Damage

Such diagnoses include the consultation of people from practical forestry and of other private persons with respect to pests and diseases on forest trees and ornamental woody plants

Forest Act of 1975 § 136 (2)

The tasks of the Institute under the terms of para. 1 include

b) the determination of the causes of forest damage (for instance, by game and air pollution)...

Institute of Air Pollution Research and Forest Chemistry

Forest Chemistry

Plant analyses for Investigations under the terms of § 52 of the Austrian Forest Act and Surveys of Basic Stress by the Competent Authorities of the Austrian Federal Provinces

Forest Act of 1975 § 136 (2)

The tasks of the Institute under the terms of para. 1 include in particular

b) determination of the causes of forest damage (for instance, by game and air pollution) ...

Surveys regarding air-pollutants affecting forests.

§ 52 (1)

When the presence of forest-affecting air–pollutants has to be assumed, the authority shall request experts to carry out pollutant controls and surveys to specify these air–pollutants.

§ 52 (5)

The experts referred to in para. 1 shall inform the authority about the result of the surveys and, upon request of any person involved, shall make out a certificate, in particular on

a)the determined emission and air-pollution values;

b)the percentage by which the damage on forest soil or plants is due to the determined air-pollutants; and

c)as far as possible, on the percentages by which the examined equipment contributed to the pollution-related damage on forest soils or forest plants.

These certificates shall be considered public documents.

Institute of Avalanche and Torrent Control

Expert Opinions in Cooperation with Torrent and Avalanche Control

The Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests provides the scientific foundations for the public opinions issued in the fields of torrent and avalanche control.

Forest Act of 1975 § 136 (2)

The tasks of the Institute under the terms of para. 1 include in particular

a)determination of the causes of forest damage (e.g. by game, air-pollution, etc.), if necessary in cooperation with other authorities having an interest in such investigations, and examination of questions regarding forest landuse, torrent and avalanche control.

Index | Research | Publications
LinR/FreM/FeiH, 1999-05-06