COST 639 - WG 4 |
‘End-users’ of the suggested methods (experts in greenhouse gas budgets) will be involved in this WG in order to communicate upcoming reporting needs, recommendations for improvements, feedback on the relevance of the suggestions, and testing of suggested methods). Our accounting concept will utilize existing information on European soils. The IPCC-Good Practice Guidance presents a balanced view of available methods and approaches, but has not the intention of developing new methods. Moreover, the soon to be initiated discussions on post-2012 reporting requirements will make amendments of existing Reporting Guidelines necessary. The Action aims at the Tier 3 level of the IPCC-GPG in order to utilize available information in many countries for the optimization of the level for reporting of soil changes. – Several cycles of feedback between WG 1, 2, 3 and WG 4 are foreseen. – From the experts of WG 4 the other WGs expect to receive information on the ongoing political process with respect to land-use, land-use change and forestry. Suggestions for specific form of land management with the objective of the retention of GHG in soils can be in conflict with aspects of nature conservancy (protection of rare ecosystems, biodiversity issues). These topics need to be resolved early on in order to avoid unrealistic suggestions for adapted land management. – A second target group are students. The findings of the individual WGs will be cast in documents that are suitable for class-room use. The discussion in a teaching environment represents an external discussion platform and is a suitable learning example for policy driven science in class rooms. The implementation of the outcome of the Action is facilitated by the fact that several participants are lead- or co-authors of previous technical IPCC documents, who expect to be invited in future IPCC tasks as well. Moreover, several participants are in charge of national GHG reports. The Management Committee of the Action will insist, that the progress of the Action is communicated to government representatives of participating countries, who are in charge of GHG policy. Progress will also be communicated with NGOs such as IUFRO and IPS (International Peat Association) and this is facilitated by the fact that many action members are working in NGOs groups or have strong links to them.
The Action will be in close contact with SOMNet (, as the coordinator of that network participates in the Action.