Greenhouse-gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use (BurnOut) -- COST 639 |
(C) stored in soils represents the largest terrestrial organic carbon
(C) pool. The biogeochemical cycles of C and nitrogen (N) are closely
interwoven. Although the discussion on climate change focuses on CO2,
the coupled cycling of C and N deserves equally much attention. As a
result of mineralization processes, both elements are liberated from
soil organic matter and can be lost from the soil via the aqueous or
the gaseous phase. Both C and N occur in terrestrial ecosystems in
several chemical forms and are potentially emitted as greenhouse gases
(GHG). On the contrary, soils can act as a strong sink for GHGs.
Considerable uncertainty exists regarding the sink strength of soils
under different forms of land-use, especially under future climate
conditions and in regimes of ecosystem disturbances, that are typical
for particular regions. Due to the significance of the GHG exchange
between the atmosphere and soils, C changes in terrestrial ecosystem
pools are included in international treaties (Kyoto Protocol, UNFCCC).
more InformationThe main objective of the Action is (i)
the improved understanding of the management of greenhouse gas
emissions from European soils under different forms of land-use and in
particular disturbance regimes, (ii) the identification of hot spots of
greenhouse gas emissions from soils, (iii) the identification of soil
and site conditions that are vulnerable to GHG emissions, (iv) the
development of an advanced reporting concept across different forms of
land use and land-use changes, (v) the delivery and communication
policy relevant GHG reporting concepts, so as (vi) the improvement of
the communication between soil C experts. The Action aims to identify
gaps in previous projects such as the response of carbon and nitrogen
pools in soils under typical regimes of ecosystem disturbances and
land-use change. To achieve our objectives, we will establish a
communication platform between experts for different forms of land use,
modellers and statisticians, and the contributors to the existing
framework of greenhouse gas reporting.
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