Promoting Conifer Genomics
Training Workshop 2013 University of Umea, Sweden

A two day training workshop was held this year in Umea, Sweden from 30th Jan. - 1st Feb., to mark the first hand-on-initiative of this project. A total of nine invited experts, two from the project consortium, two from Spruce Genome initiative in Sweden and five scientists from trans-Atlantic institutions shared their experiences and views on "Genome Sequencing and Gene Discovery" in 50 minute presentations followed by a 10 minute discussion (ref. TWS Programme below). The topics of the presentations extended from sequencing, gene annotation, genome evolution, and comparative genomics to population genetics.

Training Workshop 2013 Programme

 Presentations for downloading:

A crash course in gene and genome annotation by Lieven Sterck, VIB, Belgium

Population genetics of complex genomes - lessons from teosinte and maize by Tanja
    Pyhäjärvi, UOULU, Finland

Conifer genome evolution slow but not low by Kermit Ritland, UBC, Canada

Variant calling from genome sequence data by Doug Scofield, UMU, Sweden

An undiscovered country: what comparative genomics tells us of gymnosperm genomes by
    Jeffrey Dean, UGA, USA

The Norway spruce genome sheds light on conifer genome evolution by Stefan Jansson,
    UMU, Sweden

Generating gold standard reference genome sequences: lessons learned, grey hair
by Daniel Peterson, MS University, USA

Pine genome Sequencing Project: Phenotype, Genotype and Environment by David Neale,
    UC Davis, USA

From transcriptome to gene space and functional diversity in spruce by John MacKay,
    ULaval, Canada

26.11.14 | Bearbeitung: Krystufek

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

BFW © 2013