Institut für Waldgenetik |
Erhaltung und Management von forstlichen Genressourcen in Europa
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Conservation and sustainable management of forest genetic resources in Europe - an introduction (Th. Geburek & J. Turok)
- Chapter 2: Forest biodiversity - the policy, legal and economic aspects
- Biodiversity in national forest and environment policy (M. Pregernig)
- Look at Pan-European Forest Policy: the Ministerial Conference on Protection of Forests in Europe and the "Living Forest Summit" (P. Mayer & A. Buck)
- Forest genetic resources in the international context: processes, agreements and programmes (Ch. Palmberg-Lerche, J. Turok & P. Sigaud)
- International legislation with implications on the exchange of forest genetic resources (L. Ackzell & J. Turok)
- Economic approaches for valuing forest genetic resources (P. Elsasser)
- Forest resources in Europe and their condition (M. Lorenz, R. Fischer & V. Mues)
- Chapter 3: Genetics in forest tree populations
- Phenotypic and genetic variation (H.H. Hattemer)
- Genetic structures and population sizes (H.H. Hattemer)
- Sexual reproduction in forest trees (Th. Geburek)
- Evolution and evolutionary factors, adaptation, adaptability (G. Eriksson)
- Quantitative genetics (G. Jansson)
- Measuring genetic variation within and among populations at marker loci (E. Gillet, D. Gömöry & L. Paule)
- Provenance research: evaluating the spatial pattern of genetic variation (A. O. König)
- Chapter 4: Genetic techniques and their application in conservation and management of forest genetic resources
- Molecular markers for characterizing diversity in forest trees (G.G. Vendramin & O. H. Hansen)
- Forest genomics and new molecular genetic approaches to measuring and conserving adaptive genetic diversity in forest trees (K. V. Krutovsky & D. B. Neale)
- Selection of target species and sampling for genetic resoures in absence of genetic knowledge (G. Eriksson)
- On the appropriate size of forest genetic resources ( H. H. Hattemer)
- Chapter 5: The role of biodiversity in forest ecosystems and for sustainability
- Genetic diversity in forest trees - its importance and potential human impact (Th. Geburek)
- Expected climate instability and its consequences for conservation of forest genetic resources (Cs. Matyas)
- Host-pathogen interaction in forest ecosystems (B. R. Stephan & Th. Geburek)
- Chapter 6: In situ and ex situ conservation methods and techniques
- National Forest Inventories: how can they contribute to forest genetic conservation? (Th. Geburek & K. Schadauer)
- Protected areas in Europe and their importance for conservation (G. Koch)
- In situ conservation methods (P. Rotach)
- Ex situ conservation methods (T. Skroppa)
- Multiple Population Breeding Systems as a method to conserve genetic variation (G. Eriksson)
- Seed and pollen storage: European focus (R. Klumpp)
- Micro- and macropropagation of forest trees (E. Wilhelm)
- How can silvicultural management contribute to genetic conservation? (Th. Geburek & F. Müller)
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"Geburek, Th. & Turok, J. (eds): Conservation and Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe".
Arbora Publishers, 2005, 700 pp., hard cover; ISBN 80-967088-1-3, 55 Euro (plus mailing expenses 10-15 Euro)