Forstschutz Aktuell Nr. 55 Sonderheft |
Forstschutz Aktuell Nr. 55 Sonderheft
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Proceedings of the Third Meeting of Forest Protection and Forest Phytosanitary Experts
October 14-16, 2009, Vienna, Austria
Ch. Tomiczek: Preface

A. Kunca, M. Zúbrik, R. Leontovyč, J. Vakula, B. Konôpka, A. Gubka, J. Galko, V. Longauerová, Ch. Nikolov, S. Finďo, J. Varínsky and P. Kaśtier: Major Forest Damaging Agents in Slovakia

H. Delb: The Current Forest Protection Situation in the Southwest of Germany [engl. & dt.]

G. Lobinger: Current Health Situation of Oak in Bavaria [engl. & dt.]

P. Barklund: Current Disease Status in Swedish Forests [engl. & dt.] |

I. M. Thomsen and J. P. Skovsgaard: Silvicultural Strategies for Forest Stands with Ash Dieback |

C. Salvadori, G. Maresi, F. Pedrazzoli and D. Bitussi: Forest Protection Situation in Trentino (Northeastern Italy) in 2008-2009 |

N. Ogris: Recent Outbreaks of Gremmeniella abietina in Slovenia |

M. Franjević, M. Pernek and B. Hraśovec: Bark Beetle Populations in Croatia in 2008-2009 - Monitoring Data and Research Observations |

Ĺ. Lindelöw: Introduced or Overlooked? New Bark Beetle Species in Sweden (Coleoptera; Curculionidae) |

Gy. Csóka, A. Hirka, L. Szöcs and Cs. Szabóky: Newest Uninvited Insect Guests in the Hungarian Forests |

M. Jurc and A. Repe: Some New Immigrant Phytophagous Insects on Woody Plants in Slovenia |

U. Benker: Monochamus alternatus - the Next Alien Causing Trouble [engl. & dt.] |

A. Vukadin and B. Hraśovec: Citrus Longhorn Beetle Situation in Croatia - Two Years after the First Discovery |

M. Scholz and St. Schütz: Trace Analytical and Electroantennographic Examination of Volatiles Released by Potential Host Trees and Volatiles Induced by Anoplophora glabripennis Infestation [engl. & dt.] |

U. Hoyer-Tomiczek and G. Sauseng: Alternative Detection Method for ALB and CLB [engl. & dt.] |

M. Maspero, C. Jucker, F. Hérard, M. T. Smith, M. Colombo, B. Cavagna and M. Ciampitti: Research on Anoplophora chinensis in Lombardy (Italy) |

H. Solheim, V. Timmermann, V. Talgř and I. Rřsberg: Ash Dieback in Norway [engl. & dt.] |

J. Schuhmacher, S. Leonhard, L. Strasser and R. Kehr: Ash Dieback - Situation in Bavaria and Germany [engl. & dt.] |

Th. L. Cech, M. Keßler and M. Brandstetter: Monitoring of Ash Dieback in Austria [engl. & dt.] |

A. Koltay, I. Szabó and G. Janik: Ash Dieback in Hungary |

T. Hauptman, N. Ogris and D. Jurc: Ash Dieback in Slovenia |

L. R. Nielsen, L. V. McKinney, J. K. Hansen, I. M. Thomsen and E. D. Kjćr: Genetic Variation in Susceptibility to Ash Dieback |

R. Vasaitis: Current Research on Dieback of Fraxinus excelsior in Northern Europe |

J. Holuśa, K. Lukáśavá and W. Grodzki: Pathogens of Ips cembrae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in the Czech Republic and Poland: a Preliminary Study [engl. & dt.] |
