Forest Training Centres
Do you want to take care of your forest, or those of the forestry sector? Or are you a forestry worker and want to further your education? With our master of forestry course and our skilled forest worker course, the BFWs two forest training centres at Traunkirchen (www.fasttraunkirchen.at) and Ossiach (www.fastossiach.at) offer the right intensive forestry courses for you.

Graduates of these courses can find employment as skilled forestry workers capable of carrying out all forestry assignments, in forestry operations of any size. As a Master of Forestry there are also numerous employment opportunities in forestry companies, the agricultural community, the forest management community and agricultural companies with large forest areas.

Both training centres in Traunkirchen and Ossiach prepare the knowledge acquired by the BFW and transmit it in the form of broad further education courses. These are available to both people who are active in the forestry industry and those who are interested in forests. Every year over 15,000 people take part in our courses and seminars, which range from the correct working techniques to strategic questions about forest ecosystem management.

Forest Training Centre Traunkirchen in Upper Austria

The forest training centre Traunkirchen is located in Upper Austria. Its main role is to offer initial and further theoretical and practical education for people in the forestry industry and for people interested in forests. Students from agricultural and forestry based schools take advantage of special course offers that fall within the area of their professional training. As well as forestry educational options (e.g. skilled forest worker courses, master of forestry courses or harvester driving courses), the forestry training centre Traunkirchen offers a wide range of forestry seminars covering all current issues in forest and ecosystem management.

Forstpark 1, 4801 Traunkirchen, Austria
Tel.: 0043 7617/21444
Fax: 0043 7617/21444-391
E-Mail: fasttraunkirchen@bfw.gv.at

Forest Training Centre Ossiach in Carinthia

The forest training centre Ossiach is located at Lake Ossiach in Carinthia. It has access to a training forest, which serves as place for all practical training. The aim of the Ossiach forestry training centre is the education of forest professionals, who should receive a professional education together with technical ability and manual skills. Furthermore, it offers mountain farmers and junior forestry staff special courses, for example forestry management or timber harvesting. The forestry training centre Ossiach has striven for years to have good contact with colleagues from neighbouring countries such as Slovenia or Italy and even has a separate course-programme for foresters from Friuli. 

Ossiach 21, 9570 Ossiach, Austria
Tel.: 0043/4243-2245-0
Fax: 0043/4243-2245-55
E-Mail: fastossiach@bfw.gv.at


Training centers
Federal forest office

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Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape
Austria, 1131 Vienna, Seckendorff-Gudent-Weg 8 | Tel.: +43 1 878 38-0, direktion@bfw.gv.at
BFW © 2019