Promoting Conifer Genomics

Management Structures and Procedures

Project Coordination

Procogen will be managed jointly by Prof. Carmen Díaz-Sala from UAH and  Dr. María Teresa Cervera from INIA-CIFOR. This dual leadership concept will meet the special needs of this complex and ambitious project regarding management, educational and training skills and scientific expertise as stated in the EC Contract and the Consortium Agreement

Administrative and Financial Coordinator
Prof. Carmen Díaz-Sala will be responsible for the following tasks:
  • Chair the General Assembly ensuring proper decision making
  • Coordinate timely and effective operation of the project
  • Producing periodic reports on project progress and partner activities
  • Submitting all required progress reports, deliverables and financial statements to the EC
  • Communicating all pertinent information related to the Project to the Commission
  • Transferring advance payments and other payments to the participants as per the provisional budget and actual expenses approved by the General Assembly

Scientific Coordinator
Dr. María Teresa Cervera will be resposible for:
  • Coordination of the scientific activities according to the work plan. This includes coordination of workplan maintenance, monitoring of workplan progress, result analysis, troubleshooting and forecasting consequences for future research.
  • Chair the Executive Board ensuring proper decision making
  • Monitoring of the achievements to control scientific quality of the results with regard to the EC contract as well as to the state-of-the-art
  • Risk management through
05.03.14 | Bearbeitung: Krystufek

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

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