Promoting Conifer Genomics
Dissemination Workshop 2013 Riga, Latvia

The first dissemination workshop on "Conifer sequencing: basic concepts in conifer genomics" was held in Riga, Latvia from 5th - 6th of Nov. 2013. It was an effort to interact with young researchers and scientist from EU countries not involved in this project, with special focus on the Baltic region.
The workshop provided a platform for exchanging ideas, views and plans for tree genomic research. It was attended by 26 people on day one and 27 on day two from 10 countries (plus two organisers, one facilitator and two speakers). The workshop was organized by BFW (Austrian ProCoGen partner), with the support of Dr. Dainis Rungis from LVMI (Silava), Latvia, whose contribution was vital to the success of this workshop. One Trans-Atlantic and three European speakers (from ProCoGen partner institutions) were invited to present at this workshop. Each was required to give two presentations of about 50 minutes each, one comprising of more theoretical material and the second highlighting recent developments, demonstrating research updates and applications. (Read more...)

Group photo of participants at the dissemination workshop held in Riga 2013

Dissemination Workshop 2013 Programme

 Presentations for downloading:

Forestry genetic and genomic research in Latvia by Dainis Rungis, LVMI "Silava" Genetic Resource Centre, Riga, Latvia

An introduction to conifer genomes, and sequencing methods by Berthold Heinze, BFW, Austria

A crash course in gene and genome annotation by Lieven Sterck, VIB, Belgium

Annotation workshop by Lieven Sterck, VIB, Belgium

Comparative genomics: insights into conifer genome evolution by Amanda De La Torre, UMU, Sweden

Applications of genome sequencing to the study of local adaptation and speciation in conifers by Amanda De La Torre, UMU, Sweden

Pine genome sequencing project: phenotype, genotype and environment by David Neale, University of California, Davis, USA


The importance of relatives: conifers as a gateway into the gymnosperms by Daniel G. Peterson, Mississippi State University, USA

Old and new physical mapping techniques and their application to conifer genome research by Daniel G. Peterson, Mississippi State University, USA

26.11.14 | Bearbeitung: Krystufek

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

BFW © 2013