Promoting Conifer Genomics
Training Workshop 2015 Vienna, Austria
The third training workshop was held in Vienna, Austria from 11th – 12th Mar. 2015. The theme was "Bioinformatic and trees". Eight invited speakers from Europe, Canada and the USA, and about 32 participants on an average/day attended this event. The audience comprised of project members, local researchers and students. Due to advancements in next generation sequencing there is a flood of data that needs special computing to give meaningful information for application in various fields of biology especially breeding and genotype-environment interactions. This workshop brings together advancements in bioinformatics, its applications as well as shortcomings.

Training Workshop 2015 Programme

Presentations for downloading:

Using conifer transcriptome data- experimental design and data analysis strategies by Ingo Ensminger, University of Toronto, Canada

Supercomputing and Genomics by David Torrent, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain

Genotype imputation and subsequent genomic prediction based on sequence data by Marco BInk, Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Assembly and analysis of the white spruce genome by Inanc Birol, University of British Columbia, Canada

Getting bioinformatics through its awkward adolescence by Daniel Peterson, Mississippi State University, USA

Heterozygous genome assembly by long integration: application to the oak genome by Amin Madoui, CEA-Genoscope, France

NextGenMap and impact of highly polymorphic regions by Arndt von Haeseler, Centre for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna, Austria

Insights and challenges- the result of aspen by short read interaction by Nathaniel Street, University of Umea, Sweden
18.06.15 | Bearbeitung: Krystufek

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

BFW © 2013